Special Bloke returns home to find me on the sofa, clutching a duvet and scoffing a pack of jaffa cakes. ‘Hey what are you doing here. Your girlie lunches are legendary. I didn’t expect to see you here for ages. So what’s girl wonder up to these days?’
‘Had a shit day. Don’t want to talk about it’
‘Hmm. That bad huh? Want a back massage my little hippopotamus? He tickles my tummy gently.
‘That’s not funny’ I smile lamely, with tears in my eyes.
‘Daisy, what’s wrong hon? You’re really upset. I thought you had a girlie heaven day planned. Weren’t you getting coiffed and styled; dressing up and meeting Kate for lunch. What happened? Has something happened the baby?’ He looks really worried.
‘I’m just fed up. Maybe I’m being silly but well Jay says I might go bald after I have the baby; Kate thinks I am fat and boring and I just read my baby book and it says you bleed for 9 weeks after the baby is born. I’m going to be a big, fat, bald, bleeding mother..’ I sob in his arms.
‘Oh Daisy’ he kisses me tenderly on my head. ’I’ll still love you even if you are completely mad and insist on heating paint pots in the microwave! Come on woman, lets go wild and open hobnobs and drink a whole pot of tea.
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