‘So have you had any weird cravings at all Daisy?’ Louise asked conversationally over dinner. ‘No. Actually I haven’t. I think is it one of those many myths surrounding pregnancy’. I respond. Special Bloke guffaws loudly and nearly chokes on his fork in disbelief. ‘Daisy, you are such a fibber! Look at this! ’He opens a cupboard to reveal rather a lot of bumper packs of fizzy cola bottle sweets. Louise and her new bloke explode with laughter. ‘And look at this!’ He opens the fridge, which displays at least ten large tubs of peach flavoured yogurt. Then Special Bloke rubs his hands and performs a type of victory dance as he opens 2 trays in the freezer, which are packed to capacity with ice-lollies. I grin sheepishly and wonder if the baby is getting enough nutrition from my bizarre diet.
Some develop cravings while others don't. I guess that's one of the wonders of pregnancy. Just make sure you have some morning sickness treatment treatment to help you out when the going gets tough.