Squatting over a hole in a french loo, salopettes around my ankles,whilst trying to pee on a pregnancy test stick requires a certain level of skill and dexterity I simply do not have. This is not perhaps the most dignified way of finding out whether or not you have become an official member of the pudding club.
Mission accomplished.I crinkle up my nose , rock in my ski boots and squint at the french set of instructions.I wish I had paid more attention to Mrs. Gallagher in french class. How long do I have to wait? I'm pretty sure 'cinque minutes' is 5 minutes, but perhaps its six? Either way its a long time to wait in a small dingy loo.
To be honest, I'm not even sure why I'm taking this test.Lets look at the evidence. I'm only a day late - and that could be the travel. I'm a bit tired and emotional. Who isn't after a few apres-ski gluweins and sneaky brandy chasers ? Its not hugely surprising that Im tired given that 51 weeks in the year,I excel at couch-potato-ing and then spend every waking hour 6 days a week ski-ing down mountains ...well nursery slopes anyhow.How many minutes is that for heaven's sake? Hurry up!
What if I am pregnant?Logically then, I would be someone's Mum.Aargh!I'm not adult enough to be a Mum.Technically I'm no longer a spring chicken but 'sensible' is not usually a word associated with me.Remembering to put the bin out is enough responsibility for me. Every goldfish I've ever owned has promptly lost the will to live.Christ I don't even keep pot plants.I don't make fabulous pot roasts; I can't cross-stitch and don't have a stash of secret recipies or know how to remove stains from badly burnt saucepans.Now that I think about it, its probably best I don't become some poor unfortunate's mum.
A queue of full bladdered apres-skiers are now energetically banging on the door to hurry me up. Fair enough.Right one last peek before I bin the test stick.
A really faint blue line has appeared across the test window.I must be a little bit pregnant.I'm going to be a mum!A little tear escapes and a huge smile travels across my face. I'm up the duff, up the pole...unbloominbelievable!Oops not sure mummies say that kind of thing. Better practice being wholesome and good role model,now that I am with child .Still can't frigging well believe it though.
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