Someone has switched the volume up on my nose. Everything, absolutely everything smells weird. Bananas smell of slightly sour milk. Making it past the deli counter in the supermarket without retching has become my own personal bush tucker trial.
I woke up last night in a right state, ran to the window and stuck my head out and breathed in great big gulps of fresh air. What on God’s earth is that smell coming from downstairs? Holding my nose, I run to the kitchen to discover Special Bloke making himself a post pub fish finger buttie. It smells like he’s fried a whole catch of smelly, pongy, well used gym shoes and well worn footie vests from a teenage school team. Eughhh! ‘Open a window, please. Have you been smoking in here?’ I demand. ‘I just had one, because its bucketing rain out there. Have a heart.’ He mumbles. I am furious. He tries to give me a hug and kiss by way of an apology, but his breath stinks of hops, barley and fags.
I push him off overcome by the stink, rising nausea in my throat and lets be honest. …sheer jealousy that he can happily spend a night sinking pints and puffing away while I get intimately acquainted with the toilet bowl. I storm off to bed with tears in my eyes and a profound despair that I will never feel normal again.
I woke up last night in a right state, ran to the window and stuck my head out and breathed in great big gulps of fresh air. What on God’s earth is that smell coming from downstairs? Holding my nose, I run to the kitchen to discover Special Bloke making himself a post pub fish finger buttie. It smells like he’s fried a whole catch of smelly, pongy, well used gym shoes and well worn footie vests from a teenage school team. Eughhh! ‘Open a window, please. Have you been smoking in here?’ I demand. ‘I just had one, because its bucketing rain out there. Have a heart.’ He mumbles. I am furious. He tries to give me a hug and kiss by way of an apology, but his breath stinks of hops, barley and fags.
I push him off overcome by the stink, rising nausea in my throat and lets be honest. …sheer jealousy that he can happily spend a night sinking pints and puffing away while I get intimately acquainted with the toilet bowl. I storm off to bed with tears in my eyes and a profound despair that I will never feel normal again.
That's one of the common symptoms of pregnancy, and based on my experience, it's what notoriously triggers my morning sickness. For me, natural home remedies provide the necessary cure for morning sickness.