There he is sipping his bottled beer in the afternoon sun, chilling after a hard day's ski-ing.' Go on then. Where are the suede boots? saw you admiring them and I knew you'd duck back and get them ' he teases.'No I didn't get the boots. I was doing a test' I say. 'A test?'. ' he asks quizically. 'You need a test to buy knee high boots? How very french! he laughs. 'No I wasn't buying those boots' I grin 'I was buying something at the chemist'.' Right' he says losing interest. 'I was doing a test' I nudge him and plonk the pregnancy stick in front of him on the table.He takes off his sunglasses and bless his panda-faced little face, he looks completely at sea.Lets hope our little babs Lets hope our little babs doesn’t inherit his gene for intuition.
I add another piece to the cryptic jigsaw and set down the French pregnancy test instructions. ‘Huh, whats this? Oh ….are you? are we? Oh wow! We are ? I nod, grinning.’ We are’ he whoops; picks me up in his arms and spins me around, sending chairs and bottled beer flying. ‘You clever girl..Oh wow!
I add another piece to the cryptic jigsaw and set down the French pregnancy test instructions. ‘Huh, whats this? Oh ….are you? are we? Oh wow! We are ? I nod, grinning.’ We are’ he whoops; picks me up in his arms and spins me around, sending chairs and bottled beer flying. ‘You clever girl..Oh wow!
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